Effective Study Tips

Effective Study Tips
Han Wang
June 26th, 2021
Han's Blog

Some study techniques accelerate learning, whereas others are just a waste of time. Below are studying techniques that I used to great effect during undergrad.


Distributed Practice

Spread your study over time. I like to prepare for exams at least 2 weeks in advance and set milestones for each day. Maybe its a chapter, maybe its self testing, you have higher recall after spaced study


Organizing Notes

I strive to organize my notes in a manner such that I can share it with everyone in my study group. Not only does this help me identify what areas where my understanding is not concrete, but also gives a chance for my peers to point out gaps in my knowledge.



I love to be part of study groups. Not only can my peers keep me accountable, but I observed that I put more effort to learn material when I know I might need to explain it to someone else (protege effect).

Lets talk about techniques that are not as effective and can give a false impression of studying...



Simple, quick, ineffective. Reduces ability to draw inferences.


Rereading notes or text books

The second reading seems valuable, not so much after that.

formatted by Markdeep 1.03